In order to use the wrapper functions in Wave.c, you must declare the following four variables:
WAVEFORMATEX *pwfx; // Wave format info
HMMIO hmmio; // File handle
MMCKINFO mmckinfoData; // Chunk info
MMCKINFO mmckinfoParent; // Parent chunk info
The first step in reading a wave file is to call the WaveOpenFile function. This gets a handle to the file, verifies that it is in RIFF format, and gets information about the wave format. The parameters are the filename and the addresses of three of the variables you have declared:
if (WaveOpenFile(lpzFileName, &hmmio, &pwfx, &mmckinfoParent) != 0)
// Failure
Note that the wrapper functions all return zero if successful.
The next step is to call the WaveStartDataRead function, causing the file pointer to descend to the data chunk. This function also fills in the MMCKINFO structure for the data chunk, so that you know how much data is available:
if (WaveStartDataRead(&hmmio, &mmckinfoData, &mmckinfoParent) != 0)
// Failure
The application can now begin copying data from the file to a secondary sound buffer. Normally you don't create the sound buffer until you have obtained the size of the data chunk and the format of the wave. The following code creates a static buffer just large enough to hold all the data in the file.
/* It is assumed that lpds in a valid pointer
to the DirectSound object. */
memset(&dsbdesc, 0, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC));
dsbdesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);
dsbdesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_STATIC;
dsbdesc.dwBufferBytes = mmckinfoData.cksize;
dsbdesc.lpwfxFormat = pwfx;
if FAILED(lpds->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbdesc, &lpdsbStatic, NULL))
WaveCloseReadFile(&hmmio, &pwfx);
return FALSE;
Because in this case the application is not streaming the data but simply filling a static buffer, the entire buffer is locked from the beginning. There is no wraparound, so only a single pointer and byte count are required.
LPVOID lpvAudio1;
DWORD dwBytes1;
if FAILED(lpdsbStatic->Lock(
0, // Offset of lock start
0, // Size of lock; ignored in this case
&lpvAudio1, // Address of lock start
&dwBytes1, // Number of bytes locked
NULL, // Wraparound start; not used
NULL, // Wraparound size; not used
// Error handling
WaveCloseReadFile(&hmmio, &pwfx);
The WaveReadFile function in Wave.c copies the data from the file to the buffer pointer and returns zero if successful.
UINT cbBytesRead;
if (WaveReadFile(
hmmio, // file handle
dwBytes1, // no. of bytes to read
(BYTE *) lpvAudio1, // destination
&mmckinfoData, // file chunk info
&cbBytesRead)) // actual no. of bytes read
// Handle failure on non-zero return
WaveCloseReadFile(&hmmio, &pwfx);
Finally, the application unlocks the buffer and closes the wave file:
lpdsbStatic->Unlock(lpvAudio1, dwBytes1, NULL, 0);
WaveCloseReadFile(&hmmio, &pwfx);
For a streaming buffer, you would typically call WaveReadFile at regular intervals determined by the current play position. (See Play Buffer Notification.) If the locked portion of the buffer wrapped around, of course, you would call WaveReadFile once for each segment of the lock.