Uses of the DirectSetup Callback Function

The application-defined DirectXSetupCallbackFunction can be used to:

·Display a user interface that is customized for the application. A game, for example, could display the progress of DirectX installation as a flying saucer descending toward a planet. When setup is complete, the saucer could land and an amusing alien could disembark carrying a sign reading, "Success!"

·Suppress the display of status and error messages. Designers of programs for novice users may want to suppress error messages from being displayed to the user. Error messages can be handled by the setup program. This requires a larger-than-normal development effort for the setup program, but may be appropriate for the target audience.

·Automatically handle status and error conditions. Setup programs that suppress error messages should handle them automatically. If the users are not given error information, they should not be required to intervene when an error occurs.

·Allow the user greater control when status and error messages occur. It is often appropriate to allow knowledgeable users greater control than normal over the setup process. Caution should be taken, however, when using this approach. Allowing users greater-than-normal control over the setup process increases the chances that their system will be adversely affected during or after the setup.

·Override the default behavior of the DirectXSetup function. Although this is not recommended, it can be done. The user is typically notified when a setup program does this.