The D3DCLIPSTATUS structure describes the current clip status and extents of the clipping region. This structure was introduced in DirectX 5.
typedef struct _D3DCLIPSTATUS {
DWORD dwFlags;
DWORD dwStatus;
float minx, maxx;
float miny, maxy;
float minz, maxz;
Flags describing whether this structure describes 2-D extents, 3-D extents, or the clip status. This member can be a combination of the following flags:
Describes the current clip status. For a list of the available driver-status masks, see the dwStatus member of the D3DSTATUS structure.
minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz
x, y, and z extents of the current clipping region.
Windows NT: Use version 4.0 or later.
Windows: Use Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in d3dtypes.h.
See Also
IDirect3DDevice2::GetClipStatus, IDirect3DDevice2::SetClipStatus