
The IDirectInputDevice2::SendDeviceData method sends data to a device that accepts output. The device must be in an acquired state.

HRESULT SendDeviceData(

DWORD cbObjectData,







Size in bytes of a single DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA structure.


Array of DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA structures containing the data to send to the device. It must consist of *pdwInOut elements.

The dwOfs field of each DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA structure must contain the device object identifier (as obtained from the dwType field of the DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE structure) for the device object to which the data is directed. The dwTimeStamp and dwSequence members must be zero.


On entry, the variable pointed to by this parameter contains the number of elements in the array pointed to by rgdod. On exit, it contains the number of elements actually sent to the device.


Flags controlling the manner in which data is sent. This may be zero or the following value:


The device data sent will be overlaid on the previously sent device data.See Remarks.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is DI_OK.

If the method fails, the return value may be one of the following error values:



There is no guarantee that the individual data elements will be sent in a particular order. However, data sent by successive calls to IDirectInputDevice2::SendDeviceData will not be interleaved. Furthermore, if multiple pieces of data are sent to the same object with a single call, it is unspecified which piece of data is sent.

Consider, for example, a device that can be sent data in packets, each packet describing two pieces of information, call them A and B. Suppose the application attempts to send three data elements: B = 2, A = 1, and B = 0.

The actual device will be sent a single packet. The A field of the packet will contain the value 1, and the B field of the packet will be either 2 or 0.

If the data must to be sent to the device exactly as specified, then three calls to IDirectInputDevice2::SendDeviceData should be performed, each call sending one data element.

In response to the first call, the device will be sent a packet where the A field is blank and the B field contains the value 2.

In response to the second call, the device will be sent a packet where the A field contains the value 1, and the B field is blank.

Finally, in response to the third call, the device will be sent a packet where the A field is blank and the B field contains the value 0.

If the DISDD_CONTINUE flag is set, then the device data sent will be overlaid on the previously sent device data. Otherwise, the device data sent will start from scratch.

For example, suppose a device supports two button outputs, Button0 and Button1. If an application first calls IDirectInputDevice2::SendDeviceData passing "Button0 pressed", then a packet of the form "Button0 pressed, Button1 not pressed" is sent to the device. If the application then makes another call, passing "Button1 pressed" and the DISDD_CONTINUE flag, then a packet of the form "Button0 pressed, Button1 pressed" is sent to the device. However, if the application had not passed the DISDD_CONTINUE flag, the packet sent to the device would have been "Button0 not pressed, Button1 pressed".


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 OSR2 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in dinput.h.
  Import Library: Use dinput.lib.