Step 2: Enumerating and Initializing the Service Providers
The next step in creating a manual connection is to request that the user select a communication medium for the application. Your application can identify the service providers installed on a personal computer by using the EnumConnections method.
The following example shows how to enumerate the service providers:
lpDirectPlay3A->EnumConnections(&DPCHAT_GUID, DirectPlayEnumConnectionsCallback, hWnd, 0);
The second parameter in the EnumConnections method is a callback that enumerates service providers registered with DirectPlay. The following example shows one possible way of implementing this callback function:
BOOL FAR PASCAL DirectPlayEnumConnectionsCallback(
LPCGUID lpguidSP, LPVOID lpConnection, DWORD dwConnectionSize,
LPCDPNAME lpName, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpContext)
HWND hWnd = (HWND) lpContext;
LPVOID lpConnectionBuffer;
// Store service provider name in combo box
iIndex = SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_SPCOMBO, CB_ADDSTRING, 0,
(LPARAM) lpName->lpszShortNameA);
if (iIndex == CB_ERR)
// make space for connection
lpConnectionBuffer = GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, dwConnectionSize);
if (lpConnectionBuffer == NULL)
// Store pointer to connection in combo box
memcpy(lpConnectionBuffer, lpConnection, dwConnectionSize);
SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_SPCOMBO, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM) iIndex,
(LPARAM) lpConnectionBuffer);
return (TRUE);
Once the user selects which connection to use, the DirectPlay object must be initialized with the connection buffer associated with it.
hr = lpDirectPlay3A->InitializeConnection(lpConnection, 0);