Describes an image that is attached to a texture by the IDirect3DRM::CreateTexture method. IDirect3DRMTexture::GetImage returns the address of this image.
typedef struct _D3DRMIMAGE {
int width, height;
int aspectx, aspecty;
int depth;
int rgb;
int bytes_per_line;
void* buffer1;
void* buffer2;
unsigned long red_mask;
unsigned long green_mask;
unsigned long blue_mask;
unsigned long alpha_mask;
int palette_size;
Width and height of the image, in pixels.
Aspect ratio for nonsquare pixels.
Bits per pixel.
If this member FALSE, pixels are indices into a palette. Otherwise, pixels encode RGB values.
Number of bytes of memory for a scan line. This value must be a multiple of four.
Memory to render into (first buffer).
Second rendering buffer for double buffering. Set this member to NULL for single buffering.
red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask, and alpha_mask
If rgb is TRUE, these members are masks for the red, green, and blue parts of a pixel. Otherwise, they are masks for the significant bits of the red, green, and blue elements in the palette. For example, most SVGA displays use 64 intensities of red, green, and blue, so the masks should all be set to 0xfc.
Number of entries in the palette.
If rgb is FALSE, this member is the address of a D3DRMPALETTEENTRY structure describing the palette entry.
See Also