The DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER structure is passed to the IDirectDraw4::GetDeviceIdentifier method to obtain information about a device.
typedef struct tagDDDEVICEIDENTIFIER {
char szDescription[MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING];
LARGE_INTEGER liDriverVersion;
DWORD dwVendorId;
DWORD dwDeviceId;
DWORD dwSubSysId;
DWORD dwRevision;
GUID guidDeviceIdentifier;
The data takes the following form:
wProduct = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart)
wVersion = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.HighPart)
wSubVersion = HIWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart)
wBuild = LOWORD(liDriverVersion.LowPart)
The values in szDriver and szDescription are for presentation to the user only. They should not be used to identify particular drivers, because different strings might be associated with the same device, or the same driver from different vendors might be described differently.
The dwVendorId, dwDeviceId, dwSubSysId, and dwRevision members can be used to identify particular chipsets, but use extreme caution.
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
Header: Declared in ddraw.h.