The DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA structure contains raw buffered device information. This structure is used with the IDirectInputDevice::GetDeviceData and IDirectInputDevice2::SendDeviceData methods.
DWORD dwOfs;
DWORD dwData;
DWORD dwTimeStamp;
DWORD dwSequence;
For SendDeviceData, the instance ID of the object to which the data is being sent, as obtained from the dwType member of a DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE structure.
For axis input, if the device is in relative axis mode, then the relative axis motion is reported. If the device is in absolute axis mode, then the absolute axis coordinate is reported.
For button input, only the low byte of dwData is significant. The high bit of the low byte is set if the button went down; it is clear if the button went up.
When the structure is used with the SendDeviceData method, this member must be zero.
When the structure is used with the SendDeviceData method, this member must be zero.
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
Header: Declared in dinput.h.