The IDirectMusicBuffer interface represents a buffer containing timestamped data (typically in the form of MIDI messages) to be sequenced by a port. Unlike a segment, the buffer contains a small amount of data (typically less than 200 milliseconds) over which the application has control at event granularity.
Unless your application is doing its own sequencing, you will not need to use the methods of this interface.
Buffer objects are completely independent of port objects until the buffer is passed to the port by a call to the IDirectMusicPort::PlayBuffer or IDirectMusicPort::Read method. The application is then free to reuse the buffer.
The methods of the IDirectMusicBuffer interface can be organized in the following groups:
Data | Flush |
GetNextEvent | |
GetRawBufferPtr | |
PackStructured | |
PackUnstructured | |
ResetReadPtr | |
Parameters | GetBufferFormat |
GetMaxBytes | |
GetUsedBytes | |
SetUsedBytes | |
Time | GetStartTime |
SetStartTime | |
TotalTime |
All COM interfaces inherit the IUnknown interface methods. This interface supports the following three methods:
IUnknown | AddRef |
QueryInterface | |
Release |
The LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER type is defined as a pointer to the IDirectMusicBuffer interface:
typedef IDirectMusicBuffer *LPDIRECTMUSICBUFFER;
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
Header: Declared in dmusicc.h.