The DMUS_NOTE_PMSG structure contains data for a music note event.
typedef struct DMUS_NOTE_PMSG {
MUSIC_TIME mtDuration;
WORD wMusicValue;
WORD wMeasure;
short nOffset;
BYTE bBeat;
BYTE bGrid;
BYTE bVelocity;
BYTE bFlags;
BYTE bTimeRange;
BYTE bDurRange;
BYTE bVelRange;
BYTE bPlayModeFlags;
BYTE bSubChordLevel;
BYTE bMidiValue;
Octave, in the range -2 to 14. The note is transposed up or down by the octave times 12.
Chord position, in the range 0 to 15, though it should never be above 3. The first position in the chord is 0.
Scale position, in the range 0 to 15. Typically it is just 0 through 2, but it is possible to have a one-note chord and have everything above the chord be interpreted as a scale position.
Accidental, in the range -8 to 7, but typically in the range -2 to 2. This represents an offset that takes the note out of the scale.
In the fixed play modes, the music value is simply a MIDI note value in the range 0 to 127.
When a note is to be played, the DMUS_NOTE_PMSG flows through the graph and any tools in the graph until it reaches the final MIDI output tool. When the tool sees that DMUS_NOTEF_NOTEON is set in the bFlags member, it sends a MIDI note-on message to the correct port (according to the dwPChannel member of the DMUS_PMSG part). It then clears the flag, adds m_mtDuration to the m_mtTime, and requeues the message so that the note is turned off at the appropriate time.
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
Header: Declared in dmusici.h.
IDirectMusicPerformance::SendPMsg, Music Values and MIDI Notes