Overriding Defaults in the Callback Function

The application-defined function DirectXSetupCallbackFunction can override some of the default behaviors of the DirectXSetup function through its return value.

For example, the default behavior for DirectXSetup is not to install a component if the upgrade type in the structure pointed to by the pInfo parameter is set to (DSETUP_CB_UPGRADE_SAFE | DSETUP_CB_UPGRADE_HAS_WARNINGS). In this case, the MsgType parameter of the callback function is set to (MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2). Without a callback function, DirectSetup would present the user with a dialog box whose default button was No. If the callback function does not seek user input but accepts the default, it returns IDNO. To override the default, the callback function returns IDYES. If it does override the default, the user will be notified by the DirectXSetup function.