Constants in Imsample.c
// Class name for this application's window class. 
#define WINDOW_CLASSNAME      "D3DSample1Class" 
// Title for the application's window. 
#define WINDOW_TITLE          "D3D Sample 1" 
// String to be displayed when the application is paused. 
#define PAUSED_STRING         "Paused" 
// Half height of the view window. 
#define HALF_HEIGHT           D3DVAL(0.5) 
// Front and back clipping planes. 
#define FRONT_CLIP            D3DVAL(1.0) 
#define BACK_CLIP             D3DVAL(1000.0) 
// Fixed window size. 
#define WINDOW_WIDTH          320 
#define WINDOW_HEIGHT         200 
// Maximum length of the chosen device name and description of the 
// chosen Direct3D device. 
#define MAX_DEVICE_NAME       256 
#define MAX_DEVICE_DESC       256 
// Amount to rotate per frame. 
#define M_PI                  3.14159265359 
#define M_2PI                 6.28318530718 
#define ROTATE_ANGLE_DELTA    (M_2PI / 300.0) 
// Execute buffer contents 
#define NUM_VERTICES          3 
#define NUM_INSTRUCTIONS      6 
#define NUM_STATES            7 
#define NUM_TRIANGLES         1