Line Lists

A line list is a list of isolated, straight line segments. Line lists are useful for such tasks as adding sleet or heavy rain to a 3-D scene.

Create a line list by filling an array of vertices, as in the following code fragment. The number of vertices in a line list must be greater than or equal to two, and it must be even.

lpVerts[0] = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(-5,-5,0),D3DVECTOR(0,0,-1),0,0);
lpVerts[1] = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(0,5,0),D3DVECTOR(0,0,-1),0,0);
lpVerts[2] = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(5,-5,0),D3DVECTOR(0,0,-1),0,0);
lpVerts[3] = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(10,5,0),D3DVECTOR(0,0,-1),0,0);
lpVerts[4] = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(15,-5,0),D3DVECTOR(0,0,-1),0,0);
lpVerts[5] = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(20,5,0),D3DVECTOR(0,0,-1),0,0);

Render the line list using the IDirect3DDevice3::DrawPrimitive method. The following code fragment illustrates the use of IDirect3DDevice3::DrawPrimitive for drawing the line list in the preceding example. Remember that all calls to IDirect3DDevice3::DrawPrimitive must occur between IDirect3DDevice3::BeginScene and IDirect3DDevice3::EndScene.

HRESULT hResult;
// This code fragment assumes that lpDirect3DDevice3 is a valid 
// pointer to an IDirect3DDevice3 interface.
hResult = 
    lpDirect3DDevice3 ->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_LINELIST,

The following illustration shows the resulting lines.

You can apply materials and textures to a line list. The colors in the material or texture only appear along the lines drawn, not at any point in between the lines.