For DirectX 5.0 and later, this structure is superseded by the D3DLIGHT2 structure. The D3DLIGHT2 structure adds a dwFlags member. In addition, the dvAttenuation members are interpreted differently in D3DLIGHT2 than they were for D3DLIGHT.

typedef struct _D3DLIGHT {
    DWORD           dwSize; 
    D3DLIGHTTYPE    dltType;
    D3DCOLORVALUE   dcvColor;
    D3DVECTOR       dvPosition;
    D3DVECTOR       dvDirection;
    D3DVALUE        dvRange;
    D3DVALUE        dvFalloff;
    D3DVALUE        dvAttenuation0;
    D3DVALUE        dvAttenuation1;
    D3DVALUE        dvAttenuation2;
    D3DVALUE        dvTheta;
    D3DVALUE        dvPhi;


When light properties are defined with this structure, per-vertex color (enabled through D3DLIGHTSTATE_COLORVERTEX) is not supported. You must define and set light properties in a D3DLIGHT2 structure to use per-vertex color.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Header: Declared in d3dtypes.h.