Direct3D Immediate Mode Samples

This section provides summaries of the applications in the DirectX® SDK that are primarily intended to demonstrate the Direct3D® component in Immediate Mode. The following sample programs demonstrate the use and capabilities of Direct3D:

Note  Most of the sample programs have a common interface (found in the D3DFrame Library) that has no menu bar. In addition to normal Windows® functions (minimize, maximize, restore, resize, and close), the interface supports the following commands:

Key / Input Command
ESC Quit
F1 Help/About Box (lists these keystrokes)
F2 Device options
ALT+ENTER Toggle between full-screen and windowed mode
Right Mouse Button Display options popup menu.

The device options dialog box allows the user to change the driver, Direct3D device, or display mode (full-screen only) at run time. Not all devices can support rendering in a window at all display depths. Note that 3-D hardware has finite video memory that may be exceeded for certain display modes and window sizes. In either case, the samples will display a message and default to a software rasterizer.

Although DirectX samples include Microsoft® Visual C++® project workspace files, you might need to verify other settings in your development environment to ensure that the samples compile properly. For more information, see Compiling DirectX Samples and Other DirectX Applications.