
IDirectPlay4 Interface

Creates a group within an existing group. A group created within another group can only be enumerated using the IDirectPlay4::EnumGroupsInGroup method. A group created this way can be destroyed by calling the IDirectPlay4::DestroyGroup method.


HRESULT CreateGroupInGroup(
  DPID idParentGroup,
  LPDPID lpidGroup,
  LPDPNAME lpGroupName,
  LPVOID lpData,
  DWORD dwDataSize,
  DWORD dwFlags


DPID of the group within which a group will be created. Must be an already existing group.
Pointer to the DPID that will be filled in with the DirectPlay group ID of the created group.
Pointer to a DPNAME structure that holds the name of the group to be created. NULL indicates that the group has no initial name.
Pointer to a block of application-defined remote data to associate initially with the group ID. NULL indicates that the group has no initial data. The data specified here is assumed to be remote data that will be propagated to all the other applications in the session as if the IDirectPlay4::SetGroupData method had been called.
Size, in bytes, of the data block that the lpData parameter points to.
Flag indicating what type of group to create. Default (dwFlags = 0) is a normal group.
Creates the group with the hidden flag. When the group is enumerated, the hiddle flag is set. In a lobby session, hidden groups are only available through shortcuts created with IDirectPlay4::AddGroupToGroup.
Creates the group as a staging area. A staging area can be used to launch DirectPlay sessions using the IDirectPlay4::StartSession method.

Return Value

Returns DP_OK if successful, or one of the following error values otherwise:

This method returns DPERR_CANTADDPLAYER if the group could not be created. It returns DPERR_INVALIDGROUP if the parent group ID is invalid.


If the group is created in a client/server session, no group notification messages are sent. Groups are only visible on the machine that created them, regardless of whether the machine is the client or the host.

If the group is created in a peer-to-peer session, CreateGroupInGroup will generate a DPMSG_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP system message generated to inform players of this change.

If you destroy a top-level group, any member groups it contains are destroyed as well, and the appropriate destruction messages are sent.

See Also

IDirectPlay4::DestroyGroup, IDirectPlay4::EnumGroupsInGroup, DPMSG_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP

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