Sent to the receive queue to inform the application of the completion status of an asynchronous send. This message is generated by default whenever an asynchronous message is sent using the DPSEND_ASYNC flag in IDirectPlay4::SendEx.
typedef struct{ DWORD dwType; DPID idFrom; DPID idTo; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwPriority; DWORD dwTimeout; LPVOID lpContext; DWORD dwMsgID; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwSendTime; } DPMSG_SENDCOMPLETE, FAR *LPDPMSG_SENDCOMPLETE;Members
- dwType
- Value that identifies the message. This member is DPSYS_SENDCOMPLETE.
- idFrom
- DPID of the player who sent the message.
- idTo
- DPID of the player the message was sent to.
- dwFlags
- Flags specified in SendEx when the message was sent.
- dwPriority
- Priority that the message was sent at.
- dwTimeout
- Timeout specified when the message was sent (specified in SendEx). Zero indicates the default timeout.
- lpContext
- lpContext parameter supplied by the application to SendEx.
- dwMsgID
- dwMsgID returned to the application by DirectPlay through SendEx.
- hr
- HRESULT of the asynchronous message. Can be one of the following values.
- DP_OK message was successfully sent.
- DPERR_ABORTED message was cancelled while it was being transmitted.
- DPERR_CANCELLED message was cancelled while it was still in the send queue.
- DPERR_GENERIC message could not be sent.
- DPERR_TIMEOUT message timed out and was removed from the send queue.
- dwSendTime
- The elapsed time, in milliseconds, between the time the message was sent by the application (by calling SendEx) and the time DirectPlay was able to send the message. This includes the time spent in the send queue and the time to hand the message off to the service provider. For guaranteed messages, this also includes the time to acknowledge delivery of the message.
See Also
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