[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Determining the Application's Behavior (80.1003344481605%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Determining the Application's Behavior (80.1003344481605%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Determining the Application's Behavior (80.1003344481605%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Changing the Display Mode (66.3898601398601%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Changing the Display Mode (66.3898601398601%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Changing the Display Mode (66.3898601398601%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 5: Rendering to the Surfaces (65.8216783216783%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 4: Creating Flipping Surfaces (65.8216783216783%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 7: Flipping the Surfaces (65.8216783216783%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 7: Flipping the Surfaces (65.8216783216783%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 8: Deallocating the DirectDraw Objects (65.8216783216783%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 5: Rendering to the Surfaces (65.8216783216783%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Creating a DirectDraw Object (65.2534965034965%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 4: Setting the Keyboard Behavior (56.2542087542088%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Using the Keyboard
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 4: Setting the Joystick Behavior (56.1279461279461%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 3: Using the Joystick
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Setting the Mouse Behavior (55.5597643097643%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using the Mouse
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Defining the Action Map (54.297138047138%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 5: Using Action Mapping
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Setting the Palette (52.8770142900578%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Loading Bitmaps on the Back Buffer
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 5: Displaying the Action Map (52.5925925925926%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 5: Using Action Mapping
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Setting the Color Key (52.3967311758009%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 4: Color Keys and Bitmap Animation
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 2: Retrieve the Buffer (49.481351981352%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 1: Create the Audiopath (48.9131701631702%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 3 - Defining the Projection Transformation Matrix (48.3938746438746%)
DirectX Graphics > Direct3D 9 > Tutorials and Samples > Tutorials > Direct3D Tutorials > Tutorial 3 - Using Matrices
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 4 - Rendering and Displaying a Scene (47.53108003108%)
DirectX Graphics > Direct3D 9 > Tutorials and Samples > Tutorials > Direct3D Tutorials > Tutorial 1 - Creating a Device
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 1 - Defining the World Transformation Matrix (47.4396040467469%)
DirectX Graphics > Direct3D 9 > Tutorials and Samples > Tutorials > Direct3D Tutorials > Tutorial 3 - Using Matrices
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Defining the Action Map (47.1620617944147%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput > DirectInput Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 5: Using Action Mapping
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Setting Up Notifications (45.5837789661319%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput > DirectInput Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using the Mouse
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 5: Displaying the Action Map (45.4575163398693%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput > DirectInput Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 5: Using Action Mapping
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Setting the Keyboard Parameters (45.1418597742127%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput > DirectInput Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Using the Keyboard
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Initialize the Audio Environment (45.0883838383838%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectX Audio > DirectX Audio Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopaths