[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Creating the DirectInput8 Object and the Keyboard Device (55.8095491486068%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput > DirectInput Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Using the Keyboard
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Setting Up the Mouse (54.8615411076711%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput > DirectInput Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using the Mouse
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Setting Device Properties (54.7884416924665%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectInput > DirectInput Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 4: Using Force Feedback
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 8: Set Audiopath Parameters (54.4639376218323%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectX Audio > DirectX Audio Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopaths
[DirectX 8.1 Visual Basic Programmer's Reference] Step 6: Play the Sound on the Audiopath (54.4639376218323%)
DirectX 8.1 (Visual Basic) > DirectX Audio > DirectX Audio Visual Basic Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopaths
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 5: Updating the Overlay Display Position (50.7265638844586%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 6: Using Overlay Surfaces
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Creating an Overlay Surface (50.2636009214957%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 6: Using Overlay Surfaces
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Creating an Overlay Surface (50.2636009214957%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 6: Using Overlay Surfaces
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Changing the Display Mode (50.0199362041467%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Changing the Display Mode (50.0199362041467%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Changing the Display Mode (50.0199362041467%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 1: The Basics of DirectDraw
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Testing for Hardware Overlay Support (49.8006379585327%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 6: Using Overlay Surfaces
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Creating a Primary Surface (49.8006379585327%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 6: Using Overlay Surfaces
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Creating a Primary Surface (49.8006379585327%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 6: Using Overlay Surfaces
[DirectX 6 Programmer's Reference] Step 4: Displaying the Overlay Surface (49.8006379585327%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 6: Using Overlay Surfaces
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Blitting the Off-Screen Surfaces to the Back Buffer (48.4683200559508%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 3: Blitting from an Off-Screen Surface
[DirectX 5 Programmer's Reference] Step 3: Blitting the Off-Screen Surfaces to the Back Buffer (48.4683200559508%)
DirectX Foundation > DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 3: Blitting from an Off-Screen Surface
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Creating the Palette (48.2433025911287%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Loading Bitmaps on the Back Buffer
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Create the Audiopath (47.9614123693071%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectX Audio > DirectX Audio C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Creating the Off-Screen Surfaces (47.8248800057311%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 3: Blitting from an Off-Screen Surface
[DirectX 3 Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Setting the Palette (47.7803396281657%)
DirectDraw > DirectDraw Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Loading Bitmaps on the Back Buffer
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 2: Retrieve the Buffer (47.4984494063441%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectX Audio > DirectX Audio C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 6: User Configuration of the Action Map (46.7114123693071%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 5: Using Action Mapping
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 1: Create the Audiopath (46.7114123693071%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 1: Enumerating Force-Feedback Devices (46.6383129541024%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 4: Using Force Feedback
[DirectX 8.1 C/C++ Programmer's Reference] Step 4: Setting the Keyboard Behavior (46.516480595428%)
DirectX 8.1 (C++) > DirectInput > DirectInput C/C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 1: Using the Keyboard
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 2: Retrieve the Buffer (46.2484494063441%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 3 - Rendering the Display (45.666533758639%)
DirectX Graphics > Direct3D 9 > Tutorials and Samples > Tutorials > Direct3D Tutorials > Tutorial 2 - Rendering Vertices
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 3 - Rendering the Scene (44.8624401913876%)
DirectX Graphics > Direct3D 9 > Tutorials and Samples > Tutorials > Direct3D Tutorials > Tutorial 5 - Using Texture Maps
[DirectX October 2006 Documentation] Step 3: Change Buffer Parameters (44.8595605174553%)
DirectMusic > DirectMusic C++ Tutorials > Tutorial 2: Using Audiopath Objects