DirectX SDK |
The DDEnumCallbackEx function is an application-defined callback function for the DirectDrawEnumerateEx function.
BOOL WINAPI DDEnumCallbackEx( GUID FAR *lpGUID, LPSTR lpDriverDescription, LPSTR lpDriverName, LPVOID lpContext, HMONITOR hm );
The callback function returns nonzero to continue the enumeration.
It returns 0 to stop the enumeration.
After the DirectDrawEnumerateEx function completes, the pointer to the GUID is no longer valid. You must save a copy of the GUID structure itself, not the pointer, or the DirectDrawCreate function fails.
You can use the LPDDENUMCALLBACKEX data type to declare a variable that can contain a pointer to this callback function.
If UNICODE is defined, the string values are returned as type LPWSTR, rather than LPSTR.
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 98.
Header: Declared in ddraw.h.
Import Library: User-defined.
Enumerating Devices on MultiMon Systems, Multiple-Monitor Systems