DirectX SDK |
The track form contains information about a single track. It can be embedded in a Segment Form or stored in its own file.
<DMTK-form> -> RIFF( 'DMTK' <trkh-ck> [<guid-ck>] // GUID for track object instance [<vers-ck>] // Version information [<UNFO-list>] // Name, author, copyright information, comments [<data>] // Track data )
The subchunks of the form are as follows:
<trkh-ck> -> trkh( <DMUS_IO_TRACK_HEADER> )
This chunk contains the basic header information for a track.
For the next three elements, which are optional, see Common Chunks.
The last element in the track form is the data for the track. The chunk type used for the data is identified in the DMUS_IO_TRACK_HEADER structure. The following standard track chunks are defined: