DirectX SDK

Getting Object Descriptors

[Visual Basic]

This topic pertains only to applications written in C++.


Once you have loaded an object. you can use its IDirectMusicObject interface to retrieve information about it in a DMUS_OBJECTDESC structure. You must first obtain the IDirectMusicObject interface for the object.

The following code example uses the IDirectMusicObject::GetDescriptor method to obtain the name of a style:

/* It is assumed that pStyle is a valid pointer to an
   IDirectMusicStyle interface. */
if (pStyle)
    IDirectMusicObject *pIObject;
    if (SUCCEEDED(pStyle->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectMusicObject,
            (void **) &pIObject)
        if (SUCCEEDED(pIObject->GetDescriptor(&Desc))
            if (Desc.dwValidData & DMUS_OBJ_NAME)
                TRACE("Style name is %S\n",Desc.wszName);