DirectX SDK


The IKsPropertySet::QuerySupport method determines whether a property in a property set is supported on the port or device.

HRESULT QuerySupport(
  REFGUID rguidPropSet,
  ULONG ulId,
  ULONG* pulTypeSupport


Reference to (C++) or address of (C) a GUID representing the property set to be queried.
Item within the property set to be accessed. Items are indexed from 0 and are always the same for a given property set.
Address of a variable to receive information about support for the property. If the property or property set does not exist, this is set to 0. Otherwise it may contain one or both of the following flags:
The property item may be retrieved.
The property item may be set.

Return Values

Return values are determined by the designer of the property set.

If the method succeeds, the return value may be S_OK. (See Remarks.)

If it fails, the method may return one of the following error values:

E_NOTIMPL (See Remarks.)


Whether it is valid to support some properties within the set but not others depends on the definition of the property set. Consult the hardware manufacturer's specification for the property set of interest.

Some implementations may return S_OK when the property is not supported, and others may return E_NOTIMPL. To be sure that a property is supported you should check both the return value of the method and the value returned in pulTypeSupport.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Header: Declared in dsound.h.