DirectX SDK

Applying State Blocks


The IDirect3DDevice7::ApplyStateBlock method applies an existing state block to the device. The ApplyStateBlock method accepts a single parameter, dwBlockHandle, that identifies the state block to be applied.

Note  You cannot apply a state block while recording another state block (that is, between calls to IDirect3DDevice7::BeginStateBlock and IDirect3DDevice7::EndStateBlock). Attempts to do so will fail, returning D3DERR_INBEGINSTATEBLOCK.

[Visual Basic]

The Direct3DDevice7.ApplyStateBlock method applies an existing state block to the device. The ApplyStateBlock method accepts a single parameter, blockHandle, that identifies the state block to be applied.

Note  You cannot apply a state block while recording another state block (that is, between calls to Direct3DDevice7.BeginStateBlock and Direct3DDevice7.EndStateBlock). Attempts to do so will fail, returning D3DERR_INBEGINSTATEBLOCK.