DirectX SDK |
This section pertains only to application development in Visual Basic. See Direct3D Immediate Mode C/C++ Tutorials.
After you have created the application window, created the DirectX objects, and initialized the scene, you are ready to render the scene. The rendering loop in the Triangle tutorial code renders the scene by calling the application-defined subroutines RenderScene and FrameMove :
Do While g_bRunning = True CNT = CNT + 1 RenderScene FrameMove (CNT / 360) g_dx.GetWindowRect Me.hWnd, g_rcDest j = g_ddsPrimary.Blt(g_rcDest, g_ddsBackBuffer, g_rcSrc, DDBLT_WAIT) If j <> DD_OK Then MsgBox "Couldn't copy the source rectangle to the destination surface." & _ Chr$(13) & Hex(j) End End If DoEvents Loop
Although the rendering loop appears to be infinite, it terminates when the Form_Unload procedure is triggered. For more information, see Step 5: Shut Down.
The rendering loop subdivides the scene rendering task into the following steps: