The Microsoft® Direct3D® Retained Mode types for Microsoft Visual Basic® are:
Defines the keys used by the Direct3DRMAnimation2.AddKey, GetKeys, and ModifyKey methods.
Type D3DRMANIMATIONKEY x As Single y As Single z As Single s As Single dvTime As Single lID As Long lKeyType As Long End Type
- x
- The x value to define a vector.
- y
- The y value to define a vector
- z
- The z value to define a vector.
- s
- The angle in radians used for rotation keys.
- dvTime
- Time value in arbitrary units.
- lID
- Key identifier.
- lKeyType
- Type of key, defining how animations should be played.
The members x, y, z, and s either represent the members of a D3DRMQUATERNION type [x, y, z, s] or the members of a D3DVECTOR type [x, y, z]. The rotation key is a D3DRMQUATERNION type defining the rotation, the scale key is the value of the D3DVECTOR type defining the scale, and the position key is the value of the D3DVECTOR type defining the position. Only one key is valid for any particular instance.
Defines the bounding box retrieved by the Direct3DRMMesh.GetBox and Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3.GetBox methods.
Type D3DRMBOX max As D3DVECTOR min As D3DVECTOR End Type
Describes the overrides for Direct3DRMFrame3.SetMaterialOverride and Direct3DRMFrame3.GetMaterialOverride methods.
Type D3DRMMATERIALOVERRIDE dcAmbient As D3DCOLORVALUE dcDiffuse As D3DCOLORVALUE dcEmissive As D3DCOLORVALUE dcSpecular As D3DCOLORVALUE dvPower As Single lFlags As Long End Type
- dcAmbient
- Ambient RGB color setting of type D3DCOLORVALUE.
- dcDiffuse
- Diffuse RGBA color setting of type D3DCOLORVALUE.
- dcEmissive
- Emissive RGB color setting of type D3DCOLORVALUE.
- dcSpecular
- Specular RGB color setting of type D3DCOLORVALUE.
- dvPower
- Power setting.
- lFlags
- Logical combination of flags, indicating which fields in this type are valid. Possible values include the following:
Contains the pick position and face and group identifiers of the objects retrieved by the Direct3DRMPickArray.GetPickFrame method.
Type D3DRMPICKDESC lFaceIdx As Long lGroupIdx As Long vPosition As D3DVECTOR End Type
Contains the face and group identifiers, pick position, horizontal and vertical texture coordinates for the vertex, vertex normal, and color of the objects retrieved by the Direct3DRMPick2Array.GetPickFrame method.
Type D3DRMPICKDESC2 lFaceIdx As Long lGroupIdx As Long vPosition As D3DVECTOR tu As Single tv As Single vNormal As D3DVECTOR color As Long End Type
- lFaceIdx
- Face index of the retrieved object.
- lGroupIdx
- Group index of the retrieved object.
- vPosition
- Value describing the position of the retrieved object. This value is a D3DVECTOR type.
- tu and tv
- Horizontal and vertical texture coordinates, respectively, for the vertex.
- vNormal
- Normal vector for the vertex. This value is a D3DVECTOR type.
- color
- Vertex color. To specify an object's color, including the alpha component, call the CreateColorRGBA method from the DirectX7 interface on the object.
Contains the loading status of a progressive mesh loaded with the Direct3DRMProgressiveMesh.LoadFromFile method. This type can be retrieved with the Direct3DRMProgressiveMesh.GetLoadStatus method.
Type D3DRMPMESHLOADSTATUS lBytesLoaded As Long lVerticesLoaded As Long lFacesLoaded As Long lFlags As Long End Type
- lBytesLoaded
- Number of total bytes loaded.
- lVerticesLoaded
- Number of vertices loaded.
- lFacesLoaded
- Number of faces loaded.
- lFlags
- Flags that indicate the status of the progressive mesh loading. Can be one of the following values.
- The progressive mesh object contains valid data.
- The download was interrupted either because the application used Direct3DRMProgressiveMesh.Abort or because the connection was lost.
- The base mesh has been downloaded.
- All data has been downloaded.
- It is now possible to render the mesh.
Describes the rotation used by the Direct3DRMAnimation2.AddRotateKey method, and the quaternion used in Direct3DRMFrame3.SetQuaternion. It is also used in several of the Direct3D mathematical functions.
Type D3DRMQUATERNION s As Single v As D3DVECTOR End Type
- s
- Angle.
- v
- This value is a D3DVECTOR type.
Defines the direction and starting position of the ray in the Direct3DRMFrame3.RayPick method.
Type D3DRMRAY dir As D3DVECTOR pos As D3DVECTOR End Type
Describes the screen coordinates used as the destination of a transformation by the Direct3DRMViewport2.Transform method and as the source of a transformation by the Direct3DRMViewport2.InverseTransform method.
Type D3DRMVECTOR4D x As Single y As Single z As Single w As Single End Type
Describes a vertex in a Direct3DRMMesh object.
Type D3DRMVERTEX position As D3DVECTOR normal As D3DVECTOR tu As Single tv As Single color As Long End Type
- position
- Position of the vertex. This value is a D3DVECTOR type.
- normal
- Normal vector for the vertex. This value is a D3DVECTOR type.
- tu and tv
- Horizontal and vertical texture coordinates, respectively, for the vertex.
- color
- Vertex color. To specify an object's color, including the alpha component, call the CreateColorRGBA method from the DirectX7 interface on the object.
See Also
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