Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


Renders the specified geometric primitive with data specified by a user memory pointer.

HRESULT DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(
  UINT MinIndex,
  UINT NumVertices,
  UINT PrimitiveCount,
  CONST void* pIndexData,
  D3DFORMAT IndexDataFormat,
  CONST void* pVertexStreamZeroData,
  UINT VertexStreamZeroStride


[in] Member of the D3DPRIMITIVETYPE enumerated type, describing the type of primitive to render.
[in] Minimum vertex index, relative to zero (the start of pVertexStreamZeroData), for vertices used during this call.
[in] Number of vertices used during this call; starting from MinIndex.
[in] Number of primitives to render. The number of indices used is a function of the primitive count and the primitive type. The maximum number of primitives allowed is determined by checking the MaxPrimitiveCount member of the D3DCAPS8 structure.
[in] User memory pointer to the index data. This parameter should point to the start of the indices to use for drawing primitives.
[in] Member of the D3DFORMAT enumerated type, describing the format of the index data. The valid settings are the following:
Indices are 16 bits each.
Indices are 32 bits each.
[in] User memory pointer to vertex data to use for vertex stream zero.
[in] Stride between data for each vertex, in bytes.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK.

If the method fails, the return value can be D3DERR_INVALIDCALL.


This method is intended for use in applications unable to store their vertex data in vertex buffers.

This method supports only a single vertex stream, which must be declared as stream zero.

Following any DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP call, the stream zero settings, referenced by IDirect3DDevice8::GetStreamSource, are set to NULL. Also, the index buffer setting for IDirect3DDevice8::SetIndices is set to NULL.

The vertex data passed to DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP does not need to persist after the call. Microsoft® Direct3D® completes its access to that data prior to returning from the call.

When converting a fixed function legacy application to Microsoft® DirectX® 8, you must add a call to IDirect3DDevice8::SetVertexShader before you make any calls to DrawIndexedPrimitiveUp. Supply SetVertexShader with the fixed function flag to tell the pipeline that the application is fixed function.


  Header: Declared in D3d8.h.
  Import Library: Use D3d8.lib.

See Also

IDirect3DDevice8::DrawPrimitiveUP, IDirect3DDevice8::SetStreamSource, Rendering Primitives