Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


Retrieves the device associated with a resource.

HRESULT GetDevice(
  IDirect3DDevice8** ppDevice


[out, retval] Address of a pointer to an IDirect3DDevice8 interface to fill with the device pointer, if the query succeeds.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK.

If the method fails, the return value can be D3DERR_INVALIDCALL.

Applies To

This method applies to the following interfaces, which inherit from IDirect3DResource8.


This method allows navigation to the owning device object.

Note  Calling this method will increase the internal reference count on the IDirect3DDevice8 interface. Failure to call IUnknown::Release when finished using this IDirect3DDevice8 interface results in a memory leak.


  Header: Declared in D3d8.h.
  Import Library: Use D3d8.lib.