Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


Describes a line pattern.

typedef struct _D3DLINEPATTERN {
    WORD    wRepeatFactor;
    WORD    wLinePattern;


Number of times to repeat each series of 1s and 0s specified in the wLinePattern member. This allows an application to stretch the line pattern.
Bits specifying the line pattern. For example, the following value would produce a dotted line: 1100110011001100.


These values are used by the D3DRS_LINEPATTERN render state in the D3DRENDERSTATETYPE enumerated type.

A line pattern specifies how a line is drawn. The line pattern is always the same, no matter where it is started. (This differs from stippling, which affects how objects are rendered; that is, to imitate transparency.)

The line pattern specifies up to a 16-pixel pattern of on and off pixels along the line. The wRepeatFactor member specifies how many pixels are repeated for each entry in wLinePattern.


  Header: Declared in D3d8types.h.