Clones a mesh using a declarator.
HRESULT CloneMesh(
DWORD Options,
CONST DWORD* pDeclaration,
LPD3DXMESH* ppCloneMesh
- Options
- [in] A combination of one or more from the D3DXMESH enumeration specifying creation options for the mesh.
- pDeclaration
- [in] Pointer to an array of DWORD values, representing the declarator to describe the vertex format of the vertices in the output mesh. This parameter must map directly to an FVF.
- pD3DDevice
- [in] Pointer to a IDirect3DDevice8 interface representing the device object associated with the mesh.
- ppCloneMesh
- [out, retval] Address of a pointer to an ID3DXMesh interface, representing the cloned mesh.
Return Values
If the method succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK.
If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following values.
Applies To
This method applies to the following interfaces, which inherit from ID3DXBaseMesh.
Header: Declared in D3dx8mesh.h.
Import Library: Use D3dx8.lib.
See Also
ID3DXBaseMesh::GetDeclaration, D3DXDeclaratorFromFVF