Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
Creates and initializes an instance of a device based on a given GUID, and obtains an IDirectInputDevice8 interface.
HRESULT CreateDevice( REFGUID rguid, LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE *lplpDirectInputDevice, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter );
For the preceding GUID values to be valid, your application must define INITGUID before all other preprocessor directives at the beginning of the source file, or link to Dxguid.lib.
If the method succeeds, the return value is DI_OK.
If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following:
Calling this method with pUnkOuter = NULL is equivalent to creating the object by CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectInputDevice, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, riid, lplpDirectInputDevice) and then initializing it with Initialize.
Calling this method with pUnkOuter != NULL is equivalent to creating the object by CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectInputDevice, punkOuter, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IUnknown, lplpDirectInputDevice). The aggregated object must be initialized manually.
Windows NT/2000/XP: Requires Windows® 2000.
Windows 98/Me: Requires Windows 98 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 98.
Header: Declared in Dinput.h.