Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
Creates a new client/server session, hosted by the local computer.
HRESULT Host( const DPN_APPLICATION_DESC *const pdnAppDesc, IDirectPlay8Address **const prgpDeviceInfo, const DWORD cDeviceInfo, const DPN_SECURITY_DESC *const pdpSecurity, const DPN_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS *const pdpCredentials, VOID *const pvPlayerContext, const DWORD dwFlags );
Returns S_OK if successful, or the following error value.
If you set the DPNHOST_OKTOQUERYFORADDRESSING flag in dwFlags, the service provider may attempt to display a dialog box to ask the user to complete the address information. You must have a visible window present when the service provider tries to display the dialog box, or your application will lock.
The maximum size of the application data that you assign to the pvApplicationReservedData member of the DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure is limited by the service provider's Maximum Transmission Unit. If your application data is too large, the method will fail and return DPNERR_DATATOOLARGE.
Windows NT/2000/XP: Available as a redistributable for Windows 2000 and later.
Windows 98/Me: Available as a redistributable for Windows 98 and later.
Header: Declared in Dplay8.h.