Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
Changes the settings for the application that is being hosted. Only some settings can be changed.
HRESULT SetApplicationDesc( const DPN_APPLICATION_DESC *const pad, const DWORD dwFlags );
Returns S_OK if successful, or one of the following error values.
You can use this method to modify only the following members of the DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure:
You cannot set the dwMaxPlayers member to a smaller value than the current number of players in the session.
The maximum size of the application data that you assign to the pvApplicationReservedData member of the DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure is limited by the service provider's Maximum Transmission Unit. If your application data is too large, the method will fail and return DPNERR_DATATOOLARGE.
Windows NT/2000/XP: Available as a redistributable for Windows 2000 and later.
Windows 98/Me: Available as a redistributable for Windows 98 and later.
Header: Declared in Dplay8.h.