Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The ComponentDenialAdded method is called when a denial is added to a component of a request.


HRESULT ComponentDenialAdded(
  ICAComponent*  pComp,
  ICADenial*  pDenial,
  long  cDenials



[in]  Pointer to the ICAComponent interface of the component.


[in]  Pointer to the ICADenial interface of the denial.


[in]  Number of denials on this component, including the new one.

Return Values

Return S_OK or an error code.


The denial might be transient; the count in cDenials includes transient denials. If the component has any non-transient denials, the component is denied.

The dispatch identifier (dispid) of this method is 2217.

See Also