Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

AMTimelineObj Object

Provides methods for manipulating timeline objects in DirectShow Editing Services (DES). All timeline objects support AMTimelienObj, including source, effect, transition, track, group, and composition objects. Create a timeline object by calling the AMTimeline.CreateEmptyNode method.

This object has the following methods.

Method Description
ClearDirty Not supported for Visual Basic.
FixTimes Not supported for Visual Basic.
FixTimes2 Rounds the specified start and stop times to the nearest frame boundaries, as defined by the parent group's frame rate setting.
GetDirtyRange Not supported for Visual Basic.
GetDirtyRange2 Not supported for Visual Basic.
GetEmbedDepth Not supported for Visual Basic.
GetGenID Retrieves the object's generated identifier.
GetGroupIBelongTo Not supported for Visual Basic.
GetLocked Retrieves the object's editing state (locked or unlocked).
GetMuted Retrieves the object's muted state.
GetPropertySetter Not supported for Visual Basic.
GetStartStop Not supported for Visual Basic.
GetStartStop2 Retrieves the object's start and stop times, relative to the object's parent.
GetSubObject Not supported for Visual Basic.
GetSubObjectGUID Not supported for Visual Basic.
GetSubObjectGUIDB Retrieves the GUID of the subobject associated with this object.
GetSubObjectLoaded Determines whether a subobject has been created for the object.
GetTimelineNoRef Not supported for Visual Basic.
GetTimelineType Retrieves the object's type.
GetUserData Retrieves application-defined persistent data.
GetUserID Retrieves the object's application-defined identifier.
GetUserName Retrieves the object's application-defined name.
Remove Removes this object from the timeline, for reinsertion elsewhere.
RemoveAll Permanently removes this object from the timeline, including subobjects and children.
SetDirtyRange Not supported for Visual Basic.
SetDirtyRange2 Not supported for Visual Basic.
SetLocked Sets the object's editing state to locked or unlocked.
SetMuted Sets the object's muted state.
SetPropertySetter Not supported for Visual Basic.
SetStartStop Not supported for Visual Basic.
SetStartStop2 Sets the object's start and stop times, relative to the object's parent.
SetSubObject Not supported for Visual Basic.
SetSubObjectGUID Not supported for Visual Basic.
SetSubObjectGUIDB Specifies the GUID of the subobject associated with this object.
SetTimelineType Not supported for Visual Basic.
SetUserData Sets application-defined persistent data.
SetUserID Sets an application-defined identifier for the object.
SetUserName Sets an application-defined name for the object.


Include a reference in your project to "Dexter 1.0 Type Library" (Qedit.dll).