Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

CBaseBasicVideo Class

CBaseBasicVideo Class Hierarchy

The CBaseBasicVideo class handles the IDispatch component of the IBasicVideo interface and leaves the properties and methods pure virtual.

The IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames, IDispatch::GetTypeInfo, IDispatch::GetTypeInfoCount, and IDispatch::Invoke methods are standard implementations of the IDispatch interface using the CBaseDispatch class (and a type library) to parse the commands and pass them to the pure virtual methods of the IBasicVideo interface.

Member Functions

CBaseBasicVideo Constructs a CBaseBasicVideo object.

Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods

NonDelegatingQueryInterface Returns a specified reference-counted interface.

Implemented IDispatch Methods

GetIDsOfNames Maps a single member and an optional set of parameters to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers, which can be used during subsequent calls to the IDispatch::Invoke method.
GetTypeInfo Retrieves a type-information object, which can retrieve the type information for an interface.
GetTypeInfoCount Retrieves the number of type-information interfaces provided by an object.
Invoke Provides access to properties and methods exposed by an object.