Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
The SetDefaultSourceRect method sets the default source video rectangle (pure virtual). This in an internal member function that gets called when the source rectangle is reset.
virtual HRESULT SetDefaultSourceRect(void) PURE;
Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value.
Derived classes should override this to reset the source rectangle. It is called from CBaseControlVideo::SetDefaultSourcePosition.
The following example demonstrates an implementation of this function in a derived class.
// This is called when you reset the default source rectangle.
HRESULT CVideoText::SetDefaultSourceRect()
VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo = (VIDEOINFO *) m_pRenderer->m_mtIn.Format();
RECT SourceRect = {0,0,pHeader->biWidth,pHeader->biHeight};
return NOERROR;
In this example, CVideoText is a class derived from CBaseControlVideo, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer, and the m_DrawImage data member, defined in the derived class, holds a CDrawImage object. The m_mtIn data member, also defined in the derived class, holds a CMediaType object with media type of the input pin.
See Also