Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

Comparing Metaproperties (Visual Basic)

Metaproperty conditions are used to retrieve a subset of objects in a collection that match a specified comparison with one or more metaproperties.

Create a condition based on an existing MetaProperty object by using MetaProperty.Cond, or use MetaPropertyType.Cond to create a condition based on a hypothetical object. These methods return a MetaPropertyCondition object, which is then passed to the ItemsWithMetaPropertyCond property of a collection, such as Programs.ItemsWithMetaPropertyCond. This method returns a subset of the collection containing only objects that meet the condition.

The following example code retrieves a collection of programs that have a value of greater than 0 in the Sports category. Assume that g_gs is an initialized GuideStore object.

Private Function SportsPrograms as Programs
  Dim allPrograms As Programs
  Dim mpSets As MetaPropertySets
  Dim mpType As MetaPropertyType
  Dim mpCond As MetaPropertyCondition
  ' Get all MetaPropertySets.
  Set mpSets = g_gs.MetaPropertySets
  ' Retrieve the standard MetaPropertyType named "Sports" from the 
  ' MetaPropertySet named "Categories".
  Set mpType = mpSets.Lookup("Categories.Sports")
  ' Create a MetaPropertyCondition specifying a metaproperty of type
  ' "Sports" that has a value of greater than 0.
  Set mpCond = mpType.Cond(">", 0, 0)
  ' Retrieve the collection of all programs.
  Set allPrograms = g_gs.Programs
  ' Retrieve a subset of programs that meet the condition.
  Set SportsPrograms = allPrograms.ItemsWithMetaPropertyCond(mpCond)
End Function

The following example shows the same function in Visual Basic Scripting Edition, where myGuideStore is the GuideStore object.

Function SportsPrograms
  Dim allPrograms 
  Dim mpSets 
  Dim mpType 
  Dim mpCond 
  ' Get all MetaPropertySets.
  Set mpSets = myGuideStore.MetaPropertySets
  ' Retrieve the standard MetaPropertyType named "Sports" from the 
  ' MetaPropertySet named "Categories".
  Set mpType = mpSets.Lookup("Categories.Sports")
  ' Create a MetaPropertyCondition specifying a metaproperty of type
  ' "Sports" that has a value of greater than 0.
  Set mpCond = mpType.Cond(">", 0, 0)
  ' Retrieve the collection of all programs.
  Set allPrograms = myGuideStore.Programs
  ' Retrieve a subset of programs that meet the condition.
  Set SportsPrograms = allPrograms.ItemsWithMetaPropertyCond(mpCond)
End Function

Multiple conditions can be applied by first creating a MetaPropertyCondition object that combines the conditions of two other MetaPropertyCondition objects. Suppose you have two MetaPropertyCondition objects, MPC1 and MPC2. Create a third MetaPropertyCondition object, MPC3, by calling the MetaPropertyCondition.And or MetaPropertyCondition.Or property on MPC1, passing in MPC2 as a parameter. Then pass MPC3 to ItemsWithMetaPropertyCond. If MPC3 was created by using And, only objects that meet the condition of both MPC1 and MPC2 are retrieved in the new collection. If MPC3 was created by using Or, objects that meet the condition of either MPC1 or MPC2 are retrieved.

The following Visual Basic example code retrieves a collection of programs that have a metaproperty value greater than 0 in either the hockey or the football category.

Private Function HockeyAndFootballPrograms
  Dim allPrograms As Programs
  Dim mpCond As MetaPropertyCondition
  Dim mpCond1 As MetaPropertyCondition
  Dim mpCond2 As MetaPropertyCondition
  Dim mpSets As MetaPropertySets
  Dim mpType As MetaPropertyType
  ' Create two conditions.
  Set mpSets = g_gs.MetaPropertySets
  Set mpType = mpSets.Lookup("Categories.Hockey")
  Set mpCond = mpType.Cond(">", 0, 0)
  Set mpType = mpSets.Lookup("Categories.Football")
  Set mpCond1 = mpType.Cond(">", 0, 0)
  ' Combine the conditions.
  Set mpCond2 = mpCond.Or(mpCond1)
  ' Retrieve all programs.
  Set allPrograms = g_gs.Programs
  ' Retrieve programs that match the combined condition.
  Set HockeyAndFootballPrograms = _
End Function

The following script function, shown in the context of a Web page, returns a collection of programs that have a metaproperty value greater than 0 in either the hockey or the football category, and displays the titles and descriptions of all items in the collection.

Function HockeyAndFootballPrograms
  Dim allPrograms
  Dim mpCond
  Dim mpCond1
  Dim mpCond2
  Dim mpSets
  Dim mpType
  ' Create two conditions.
  Set mpSets = myGuideStore.MetaPropertySets
  Set mpType = mpSets.Lookup("Categories.Hockey")
  Set mpCond = mpType.Cond(">", 0, 0)
  Set mpType = mpSets.Lookup("Categories.Football")
  Set mpCond1 = mpType.Cond(">", 0, 0)
  ' Combine the conditions.
  Set mpCond2 = mpCond.Or(mpCond1)
  ' Retrieve all programs.
  Set allPrograms = myGuideStore.Programs
  ' Retrieve programs that match the combined condition.
  Set HockeyAndFootballPrograms = _
  for x = 0 to HockeyAndFootballPrograms.count - 1
    document.write HockeyAndFootballPrograms.Item(x).Title
    document.write "<br>"
    document.write HockeyAndFootballPrograms.Item(x).description
    document.write "<p>"
End Function