Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

Conditional Access Objects

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

Object Description
CADenials Represents a collection of denials.
CAManager Conditional Access Manager; acts as the mediator between policies and requests.
CAOffer Represents an offer, which provides a way for the user to purchase a service in advance.
CAResDenialTree Represents a control that provides a default UI for displaying Conditional Access information.
ICAComponent Encapsulates an IComponent object, adding some properties that are specific to conditional access.
ICAComponents Represents a collection of components.
ICADenial Represents a denial.
ICAOffers Represents a collection of offers.
ICAPolicies Represents a collection of policies.
ICAPolicy Represents a policy.
ICARequest Represents an attempt by the user to access a service.
ICAToll Represents a toll.
ICATolls Represents a collection of tolls.