Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
These constants define the size of the video rectangle, relative either to the native video or to the display.
Constant | Value | Description |
dslDefaultSize | 0 | Display the video rectangle at the native size. |
dslSourceSize | 0 | Same as dslDefaultSize. |
dslHalfSourceSize | 1 | Shrink the width and height of the native video by half. |
dslDoubleSourceSize | 2 | Stretch the width and height of the native video by a factor of two |
dslFullScreen | 3 | Stretch the video to fill the screen while maintaining the original aspect ratio. |
dslHalfScreen | 4 | Stretch the video to fill 50% of the screen while maintaining the original aspect ratio. |
dslQuarterScreen | 5 | Stretch the video to fill 25% of the screen while maintaining the original aspect ratio. |
dslSixteenthScreen | 6 | Stretch the video to fill 6.25% of the screen while maintaining the original aspect ratio. |
See Also