Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.
The following code example illustrates the process of enumerating a DirectShow MetaPropertyTypes collection. One sample-defined function, EnumMetaPropertyTypes, enumerates the MetaPropertyTypes collection and calls the second sample-defined function, ShowMetaPropertyType, for each enumerated MetaPropertyType object. The ShowMetaPropertyType function displays some information about the MetaPropertyType object.
// Enumerate the entire collection of a MetaPropertyTypes object.
HRESULT ::EnumMetaPropertyTypes(IMetaPropertyTypes* pPropTypes)
HRESULT hr = 0;
// Retrieve the number of objects in the collection.
long lNumObjects = 0;
hr = pPropTypes->get_Count(&lNumObjects);
// Show each object.
long i = 0;
IMetaPropertyType* pPropType = 0;
VARIANT index;
index.vt = VT_I4;
// Enumerate the collection.
while (i < lNumObjects)
index.lVal = i;
pPropTypes->get_Item(index, &pPropType);
hr = ShowMetaPropertyType(pPropType);
return hr;
// Displays a MetaPropertyType object.
HRESULT ::ShowMetaPropertyType(IMetaPropertyType* pPropType)
// Get the ID.
long id;
// Get the name.
BSTR name = 0;
// Convert from BSTR to char for display.
UINT length = SysStringLen(name);
char* DisplayName = new char[length + 1];
length = wcstombs(DisplayName, name, length);
DisplayName[length] = '\0';
cout << "ID: " << id << " " << DisplayName << endl;
delete DisplayName;
return S_OK;