Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.
The MetaPropertyType object defines a metaproperty type; that is, a property without a value. The object contains a unique numerical identifier and a name. A MetaProperty object consists of a MetaPropertyType and a value.
You can use a MetaPropertyType object to create one or more MetaProperty objects of that type, by using the IMetaPropertyType::get_New method.
Related MetaPropertyType objects are grouped in a MetaPropertyTypes collection with its own name and numerical identifier.
Applications can add, but not remove, MetaPropertyType objects. A MetaPropertyType object is regarded as a permanent contract. If an error is made in a MetaPropertyType object, the solution is to create a new MetaPropertyType object and be certain that a MetaProperty object never references the erroneous object.
A MetaPropertyType object is handled by the IMetaPropertyType interface, which can be obtained by using the following methods: