Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


The SetWindowFocus method sets the window that will handle sound playback for the current media file.


HRESULT SetWindowFocus(
  HWND hWnd,
  BOOL bMixingOnOrOff



[in]  Specifies a hHandle to the sound playback window as an HWND. If this value is null, the sound will not be associated with any window.

Note   Windows NT 4.0 does not currently support windowless sound playback.


[in]  Specifies whether to mix the sound as a BOOL.

Value Description
TRUE Mix the sound.
FALSE Do not mix the sound.

Return Values

When successful, the method returns S_OK. Otherwise, the method should return an HRESULTin the following table or another error value indicating the cause of the failure.

Return code Description
E_FAIL No sound device is available.
E_INVALIDARG The hWnd argument is invalid.
E_NOTIMPL DirectSound isn't installed.
NOERROR The method succeeded.

See Also