Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The AddNew property creates a new offer and adds it to the collection.


    Policy As ICAPolicy, 
    strName As String, 
    dateStart As Date, 
    dateEnd As Date) As CAOffer



Specifies the ICAPolicy object that is creating this offer.


String containing the short description of the offer.


Date and time when the offer becomes valid, as a DATE type.


Date and time when the offer expires, as a DATE type.

Error Codes

If the property fails, an error is raised and Err.Number is set to a value other than zero.

Return Values

Returns a new CAOffer object.


Retrieving this property triggers an ItemAdded event.

After creating a new offer, the client should do the following:

This property is read-only.

See Also