Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.
The ICAToll interface is supported by tolls. A toll represents a way to purchase or access a service. Every toll provides a way to “pay” the toll. This could be an actual monetary payment, or it could be some other action, such as entering a password. For example, parental policies might use a password toll. To pay a toll, call the ICAToll::PayToll method.
A toll can apply to a denial or an offer. Paying a toll on a denial removes that denial, while paying a toll on an offer purchases the offer. A toll can be blocked by one or more denials; if so, the user cannot pay the toll until he or she has resolved those denials.
In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the ICAToll interface exposes the following methods.
Method | Description |
get_Denials | Retrieves the denials that block this toll, if any. |
get_Description | Retrieves a description of the toll. |
get_Policy | Retrieves the policy that created this toll. |
get_Refundable | Determines whether the user can refund the toll. |
get_State | Retrieves the current state of the toll. |
get_TimePaid | Retrieves the date and time when the toll was paid. |
get_TolledObject | Retrieves the object to which this toll applies. |
PayToll | Initiates payment of the toll. |
put_CAManager | Sets a pointer to the CA Manager. |
RefundToll | Refunds a paid toll. |
Select | Selects or unselects a toll. |