Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

ICAToll Object

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The ICAToll object represents a toll. Tolls provide a way for the user to purchase or access a service. Every toll implements a method to “pay” the toll. This could require an actual monetary payment, or some other action, such as entering a password. For example, parental policies might use a password toll. To pay a toll, call the ICAToll.PayToll method.

A toll can apply to a denial or an offer. Paying a toll on a denial removes that denial, while paying a toll on an offer purchases the offer. A toll can be blocked by one or more denials; if so, the user cannot pay the toll until he or she has resolved those denials.

Property Description
CAManager Sets a reference to the CAManager.
Denials Retrieves the denials that block this toll, if any.
Description Retrieves a description of the toll.
Policy Retrieves the policy that created this toll.
Refundable Determines whether the user can refund the toll.
State Retrieves the current state of the toll.
TimePaid Retrieves the date and time when the toll was paid.
TolledObject Retrieves the object to which this toll applies.

Method Description
PayToll Initiates payment of the toll.
RefundToll Refunds a paid toll.
Select Selects or unselects a toll.