Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

IChannels Interface

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The IChannels interface manages a collection of Channel objects ordered by an index. The collection can be viewed as an array.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IChannels interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
AddAt Adds a Channel object to the collection at a specified index.
get_AddNewAt Creates a Channel object and adds it to the Channels collection at a specified index.
get_Count Retrieves the number of Channel objects in the Channels collection.
get_Item Retrieves a specified object from the collection.
get_ItemsByKey Retrieves a sorted collection of objects that meet the specified criteria.
get_ItemsWithMetaPropertyCond Retrieves a collection of objects that meet the specified condition.
get_ItemWithKey Retrieves an object from a collection by using the collection's key metaproperty.
get_ItemWithName Retrieves a Channel object from the Channels collection using the Channel object's name.
Remove Removes a Channel object from the Channels collection.
RemoveAll Removes all objects from the Channels collection.
Resync Updates the collection.
UnreferencedItems Retrieves a collection of objects that are no longer referenced by other objects.


The IID of this interface is IID_IChannels.