Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++) |
This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.
The IGuideStore interface manages the Guide Store. This interface opens the Guide Store database and allows access to the data. When writing applications, this interface should be retrieved from CoCreateInstanceEx.
In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IGuideStore interface exposes the following methods.
Method | Description |
BeginTrans | Begins a database transaction. |
CommitTrans | Ends the current database transaction and saves the changes. |
get_ActiveGuideDataProvider | Retrieves a GuideDataProvider object that identifies the current source of information being stored in the Guide Store. |
get_ChannelLineups | Retrieves a pointer to the IChannelLineups interface of the ChannelLineups object containing all ChannelLineup objects in the Guide Store database. |
get_Channels | Retrieves a pointer to the IChannels interface of the Channels object containing all Channel objects in the Guide Store database. |
get_GuideDataProviders | Retrieves a pointer to the IGuideDataProviders interface of a GuideDataProviders object, which has a collection of all GuideDataProvider objects in the Guide Store. |
get_IdOf | Retrieves the Guide Store identifier for a COM object stored in the Guide Store. |
get_MetaPropertiesOf | Retrieves a MetaProperties object that contains a collection of MetaProperty objects associated with a specified COM object. |
get_MetaPropertySets | Retrieves a pointer to a MetaPropertySets object containing all MetaPropertySet objects in the Guide Store database. |
get_Objects | Retrieves an Objects object that has a collection of all COM objects in the Guide Store. |
get_Programs | Retrieves a pointer to a Programs object containing all Program objects in the Guide Store database. |
get_ScheduleEntries | Retrieves a ScheduleEntries collection of all the ScheduleEntry objects in the Guide Store. |
get_Services | Retrieves a pointer to the IServices interface of the Services object containing all the Service objects in the Guide Store. |
get_UUID | Retrieves the unique identifier of the Guide Store. |
Open | Opens the Guide Store database. |
putref_ActiveGuideDataProvider | Adds a GuideDataProvider object to the Guide Store. |
RollbackTrans | Ends the current database transaction and restores the database to the state it was in when the current transaction began. |
The IID of this interface is IID_IGuideStore.