Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

IObjectsNotifications Interface

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The IObjectsNotifications interface manages callbacks from the Guide Store when an object in the base collection has been added, changed, or removed. The base collection contains all top-level objects stored in the Guide Store and is obtained by using the IGuideStore::get_Objects method. Changes in subsets of the base collection do not cause callbacks to the client's IObjectsNotifications interface.

This interface is implemented by applications that create their own collection types. When a change in the base collection occurs, the Guide Store calls the implementation of the appropriate IObjectsNotifications method on the application-defined collection.

The IObjectsNotifications interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
Notify_ItemAdded Called as notification that an object was added.
Notify_ItemChanged Called as notification that an object was changed.
Notify_ItemRemoved Called as notification that an object was removed.
Notify_ItemsChanged Called as notification that two or more objects were changed.


The IID of this interface is IID_IObjectsNotifications.