Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

ITuningSpaceContainer Interface

The ITuningSpaceContainer interface is implemented on the SystemTuningSpaces object. It provides access to all tuning spaces installed on the host system.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the ITuningSpaceContainer interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
_TuningSpacesForCLSID Retrieves a collection of tuning spaces that match the specified CLSID. (For use by C++ clients.)
Add Adds a new, persistent, tuning space to the system.
FindID Retrieves the local unique ID number for the specified tuning space.
get__NewEnum Enumeration method to support For...Each loops in Automation clients.
get_Count Retrieves the number of tuning spaces currently available on the local system.
get_EnumTuningSpaces Retrieves a collection of all tuning spaces available on the local system.
get_Item Retrieves the TuningSpace object at the specified index.
get_MaxCount Set the maximum number of tuning spaces allowed on the system.
put_Item Saves the TuningSpace object at the specified index.
put_MaxCount Retrieve the maximum number of tuning spaces allowed on the system.
Remove Permanently removes a tuning space from the system.
TuningSpacesForCLSID Retrieves a collection of tuning spaces that match the specified CLSID string. (For use by Automation clients.)
TuningSpacesForName Retrieves a collection of tuning spaces that match the specified friendly name.